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Anthurium plants come from the tropical rain forests of Colombia, Guatemala, and the Brazilian Amazon region are the original habitat of anthurium plants.
These epiphytes or air plants produce few roots and take nutrients not from the tree, but from the air, water, and bird droppings.
Replicating the tropical environment indoors allows plants to grow and reproduce to a height of over 50 centimeters and thrive for at least five years.
When choosing anthurium plants to bring home, choose carefully. Anthurium plants can hypnotize a garden with all the green leaves surrounding the bright red flowers it has.
The leaves should be waxy, glossy, and completely green. Discolored anthurium leaves indicate too little or too much water. The red flowers, known as spathes, and creamy yellow stalks protruding from the center of the spathe, known as spadix, will not change color if the anthurium plant is growing healthy.
Anthurium plants should look pest free and their leaves free of spots. Anthurium leaves that many indicate that no pruning and good care.
Anthurium plants need the perfect environment such as an indoor temperature higher than 15 degrees Celsius and plenty of sunshine and warmth throughout the year to promote anthurium growth and health.
Also, keep the soil moist, but not soggy, and cover the soil surface with moss to keep it moist. Moisture is the lifeblood of anthuriums because the plant feeds on water in the air. Spray the plants regularly.
Consider repotting every two years in early spring to midsummer to rid the soil of stored minerals by watering and revitalizing the plant.
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